sharing number 7
hye everyone!! how are you today? if you are ok.. just thank to Allah. don't forget to say ALHAMDULILLAH. amin.. dah macam ustazah ler pulak. today, aye nak kongsi sikit apa yang aye tahu.
anda pastinya ada BLOG kan? kalau tidak, macam mana pula anda follow blog orang lain kan? ok. bila anda berblogging.. pasti semuanya idea dan karangan anda tersendiri kan? ... mestilah sdn. bhd. TAPI, pernah tak anda terfikir apabila anda share idea anda dengan readers, tup-tup bila anda buka blog si polan bin si polan.. NAH! SEJIBIK idea anda. CAMNO?
haaaa.. itu lah motif utama aye tulis entry kali ini. how to prevent someone copypaste your idea. =) mari sini kasi TUTORIAL siket .. siket je, tak banyak.
STEP 1 :
click your DESIGN tab
click on ADD A GADGET
STEP 3 :
choose HTML/javaSCRIPT
STEP 4 :
edit your gadget tab and put this link
<script language="JavaScript"> function click() { if ((event.button==2) ||
(event.button==3)) { alert(" \n\n Copyright Alert!")}}
document.onmousedown=click </script>
STEP 5 :
put on the CONTENT side .. NOT at the TITLE side
you can SAVE now!
easy right? okay, just try by yourself. you can prevent it from people that really love to coypaste your idea. SELAMAT MENCUBA!
lets share the knowledge together
"lahirkanlah keikhlasan daripada hatimu"
Scene Yang Patut Diambil perhatian para pembuat filem tempatan